איך להעלים את ריח השקית?


Generally, bags have a certain odor when bought, especially when purchased online, because they are not placed outside, but stacked inside the warehouse. Under the compressed and stuffy environment of the warehouse, the smell of the bags will become stronger and stronger. Especially for backpacks, the smell of the backpack should be lighter, the backpack should withstand pressure, and the backpack itself has a certain amount of space. Moreover, there are many production processes for luggage, and due to raw materials, the smell itself is very strong, especially for some relatively poor raw materials, which cannot disperse. So what should we do with the luggage when we buy it back?

First of all, when you buy a bag, you must open it and place it in a ventilated environment to fully distribute the smell inside the bag. Moreover, if the odor is too strong to be completely removed, sprinkle a little white vinegar into the inner bag of the bag and rinse it with water; Or wash with lemonade and place in a ventilated environment.

Or add some green tea to scrub, or buy wrapped bamboo charcoal, place it in a bag, seal it tightly, and take it out a few hours later. The taste should be almost eliminated.

If the smell of backpacks or trolley bags is caused by excessive storage time, it can basically be eliminated by drying them in the sun. If it is due to inferior bag materials, it is only because the sun has little effect. Placing bamboo charcoal in the bag is the best solution.

לקבל את המחיר העדכני ביותר? אנו נשיב בהקדם האפשרי (בתוך 12 שעות)